Paul Coakley. A man. A husband. A father. A son. A brother. A friend. An example of a life lived well. A life lived for love, for the Lord, for Heaven, for others.
For those of you who don't know, Paul was a young guy, married with 3 little ones and a 4th on the way. He had a very brief, but aggressive battle with cancer that took his life. But his story, his Faith and the example of how he lived life and how he died, will live on.
Paul died. But what he left us didn't die and won't ever. Paul lived and he died how he lived--outrageously, courageously
and with joy and love. So many people are taking their lives--Paul, even
though he knew heaven awaited him, fought hard to live. So many people
are storing up goods here--Paul knew all about storing up goods in
heaven. I have to wonder--many times when someone younger dies there's a
lot of sadness surrounding it-and yes people are sad that Paul is gone,
no doubt about that. But there is a joy too-because Paul seemed to live
his life as though everyday was a gift, as though he knew that Love and
joy were choices that you make daily. He lived love in an adventurous
way. Paul and his lovely wife Ann's story has had such an impact on people, has touched so many,
even those who don't know them, because of the way they lived out their
vocation--their goal to get each other to heaven, to fight the good
fight together. They knew what truly mattered.They lived love as a couple.
I think there is an element of joy because we know we will see Paul
again, we know that he is praying for us and rooting for us. We know
that he, in his imitation of Christ, showed us how to live. Treasuring
each and everyday as though it were the last. No regrets. All for Jesus.
All for love. Paul taught us how to live and how to die. Eyes on the
goal. Choosing to fight til the end. Choosing love til the end. I hope
and pray that when my time comes that I'm living love, that I'm living
with joy, that I'm living for Him and for the things that truly matter. I
pray that the grace Paul received to live his life in such an
outrageous way, will be present in my life.
#paulprayforus #livelikepaul #prayforann
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