Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Was Late Because

I had a piano student today, she was almost 20 minutes late (which is super late considering the fact that lessons are only 30 minutes long). Breathless she came running in, apologizing profusely with a million excuses as to why she was late: the traffic was terrible, there was this one slow car, on and on and on...We got through the 10 minutes of lesson. Shortly after her I had another student come.

"Miss Maria, I'm sorry, but I didn't practice this wk."  That was all he said. He didn't make excuses for himself, he didn't try to justify it (I happened to know that homework was insane for him and that he had just started back with swim practice and that it was a particularly busy wk) He simply admitted what he had not done. Sat down and was ready to crack down to it.

Out of both of those incidences I saw myself--I too have been the person justifying my behaviors--both good and bad. But I too at other times have been one to simply admit something without the justification of the why...

I realized I was more impressed by the humility of my student who simply admitted this is what happened. (I late did ask why he didn't practice cause usually he was meticulous about getting his practicing done every wk and he explained as I was pretty sure was the case--homework, crazy wk, swimming)

And as I thought about that, I started thinking about how many times in relationships do we make justifications for our bad or inappropriate behavior? How many times do we blame our failure to do well in something, whether it's business, or hobbies, or work, on anyone and everything else besides ourselves? What would happen if today we took responsibility for our behavior? For our lack of? For words, our actions...? What would happen if today, instead of pointing fingers at everyone else, we looked in the mirror and said ok, I'm CHOOSING to make different choices today which will have an impact on everyone and everything? I'm taking responsibility for my attitude, for my mood, for the decisions and consequences of my choices....

Life changing....

Today, I challenge myself. And anyone else who wants to take that challenge--to take responsibility without justification and see what happens...

Make it a great day! :-)

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